Moving is a chaotic and stressful time for everyone, which makes it an easy time to target people for scams. Make sure you are educated on the moving company you decide to use, as well as what potential scams are before selecting a moving company. The website movingscam.com has made it easy to research scams and moving companies, before your move.
Daniel's Moving and Storage has been a reputable moving company in the industry for over 32-years and want to make sure no one falls victim to these moving scams. This article will break down some of the most common scams, to make sure you don't get taken victim to one. Common Scams: 1. Bad Estimates: The scam: A typical household moving scam is giving a bad estimate. An estimate is list of all your inventory that you want to move and information on how much it will cost to move them. The scam is that the moving company will give you an extremely low estimate, then load all of your belongings on their truck, then demand you pay a much higher price on the spot or you won't get your belongings. How to avoid it: Be sure to ask for an in-home estimate. Know the difference between a binding or not-to-exceed estimate. A binding estimate gives you one price for your move, but if the actual move is more or less expensive than the price on the estimate that changes your bill. The not-to-exceed estimate provides a ceiling cost for your move, that can't be exceeded. If your move is smaller than the price on the bill than it is cheaper but if it's larger you don't pay more. Daniel's Moving and Storage will always do an in-home estimate and provide you with a detailed estimate. 2. Additional Fee's The scam: Household moving companies will scam you by adding additional costs at the end of the move that weren't ever presented to you before. How to avoid it: Every single mover must stick to the given estimate and agreed price. You should be clear on what the final estimate contains. If you see any additional charges or changes to the price ask about them. Daniel's Moving and Storage will provide you with a personal moving coordinator, who will be available to answer and any all questions on your estimate. No unknown costs are ever added to an estimate. 3. Large Deposit The scam: Moving companies will ask for a large amount as a deposit or even ask you to pay the full amount prior to the move. How to avoid it: Most movers do require a preliminary payment but it is about 10-15% of the final price. If the company asks for more than that, don't trust them. Daniel's Moving and Storage 4. Other Red Flags If any of the following happen, beware the moving company may be trying to scam you.- You don't receive a copy of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's booklet "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move"
- The company is unable or unwilling to answer every question you have
- The company tries to hide information, such as the location of their address