5 ways to decrease moving day stress - phoenix movers

Moving day. The one day that people either are excited about or greatly dread. It is a significant change that prompts weeks or months of planning to be ready for the movers. As D-Day approaches, the stress of the move starts to loom, and a million different what-if scenarios go through your head. There are many things you can control, but not everything is in your hands. As you prepare for your relocation, consider our ways to decrease moving day stress. Hopefully, they will save you a headache or two!

Before moving day, be sure to plan and get organized. Spending some extra time preparing will help decrease stress on moving day. It will also help you create a plan B if things go awry.

Here are five ways to decrease moving day stress

Set realistic expectations

Moving is one of the top three most stressful moments in a person’s life. Understanding that there will be some stress involved will go a long way with keeping a positive attitude. Things happen, and not everything goes according to plan. It is okay – find a plan B.

Have a plan for kids and pets

If you get stressed about moving, think about how your kids and pets feel. You understand what is happening, but they most likely do not. Make sure you find a place for your pets to stay while the moving team is on-site, and consider a plan that works for your kids.

Keep your social calendar light

Many people feel pressure to pack in all their goodbyes up until the day of the move. Keeping your calendar clear leading up to D-Day is one of the easiest ways to decrease moving day stress.

Go out to eat

Yes, it is okay to leave the explosion of boxes, packing materials, and your belongings to grab some food. Getting out of the house for an hour or two allows your mind to reset and recharge and gives you the next burst of energy to tackle more packing or unpacking.

Explore the new neighborhood

Once you have made your move, it is important to get acclimated to your new neighborhood. Go on walks with your dog, take the kids to the park, and try new restaurants. Getting everyone adjusted to the new area will help to promote positive vibes.

Finally, do not forget about sleep! Your mind may be racing with a massive to-do list but grab your phone or a notepad and jot them down. Getting those items out of your brain will decrease stress and give your mind some peace. Sleep is key to having energy for the move.

If you are planning a relocation soon, we hope these ways to decrease moving day stress will help! Just remember, there is no such thing as a stress-free move, but it can be contained. Keep realistic expectations, and your relocation journey should go smoothly.